Better Sensual Activity through Beer?

Ah, beer – the drink of choice for the vast majority of men, especially after a hard day’s work or when settling down to watch the weekend’s big game. But is it possible that this most enjoyable of beverage choices may also be a pathway toward better sensual activity? While maintaining a high level of male organ health is ultimately more beneficial to a man, recent stories have indicated that there can be a place for the beloved “brewski” in a man’s bedtime preparations.

Better sensual activity or worse sensual activity?

The idea that a little ale might make for better sensual activity gained traction recently due to media reports on a column from a sensual activity therapist named Dr. Kat Van Kirk. However, prior to this assertion, it was generally believed that beer more likely would have a negative effect on a guy’s bedroom performance.

The reasoning behind this is, naturally, due to the alcohol content in a bottle of brew. Many men are familiar with the concept of the “whiskey member” – a member that is attached to a man who has consumed too much alcohol and therefore has a difficult time getting a rise out of his manhood. And if he does manage to wake the member up, he has a difficult time convincing him to stand at attention for very long.

Where the nervous system is concerned, alcohol is depressive, which means that too much of it negatively impacts the male organ’s ability to perform. Not exactly a recipe for better sensual activity.

The case for beer

So why should beer, an alcoholic beverage, be exempt from the “avoid alcohol before coupling” rule? Basically, it’s because the level of alcohol in a bottle of beer is generally less than that found in “heavier” drinks. This theoretically keeps the beer from impacting the nervous system in the way that high-alcohol drinks do.

So if that’s correct, it would make sense that beer might not have a negative impact. But how might it make for better sensual activity? According to Dr. Van Kirk, there are four ways:

• The longer-lasting effect. Beer contains phytoestrogens, naturally occurring nonsteroidal plant compounds that some people believe can help to delay male seed release. Based on this, the implication is that beer may allow a man to last longer before releasing.

• The stamina plus. In addition, Dr. Van Kirk cites a study that found that people who drink beer tend to have greater overall health (and are less likely to have heart issues). Again, greater overall health is generally associated with an ability to stay sensually engaged for a longer period of time.

• The drive boost. Dark beers contain more iron, and more iron in the system can help to improve circulation. This in turn is thought by some to both increase the desire for sensual activity and help keep blood flowing more easily to the manhood.

• Beer belly benefit. While an extended gut is not good, a normal sized stomach theoretically benefits from the vitamins and nutrients found in many beers, aiding in digestion and therefore keeping a man more “in the mood” for sensual activity.

Ultimately, there haven’t been sufficient studies to back up the claim that beer makes for better sensual activity, so it’s probably wise for a man to continue to drink in moderation. He also needs to use a top-drawer male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) daily to keep his equipment in gear. A crème with a powerful antioxidant like alpha lipoic acid can help to minimize harmful oxidative stress to manhood cells. And one with L-arginine helps to boost nitric oxide, which in turn allows member blood vessels to be more freely accommodating to the rush of blood that keeps the manhood strong and healthy. An effective male organ health crème should be part of every man’s daily maintenance routine.

Visit for additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving manhood sensitivity and what to do to maintain a healthy member. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men’s health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous websites.

What are the Types and Symptoms of Glaucoma?

The expert eye doctors have a special demand in the field of ophthalmology and glaucoma specialists are no exclusion. Being the second leading cause of preventable blindness in the globe, diagnosis and treatment of glaucoma has become very crucial. It requires exceptional attention, care and expertise to execute the treatment of glaucoma. So for monitoring the condition and prescribing the proper medication and treatment, the best eye surgeons in Mumbai are of greatest help.

Overview of Glaucoma

Glaucoma is a certain eye condition where abnormally high pressure in the eye slowly damages the optic nerve. Optic nerve is responsible for sending images to the brain so that we can see. So the health of this optic nerve is vital for a good vision.

This eye disease is more common in advanced ages, although it can occur at any age. Also, there are instances of babies born with glaucoma. Often patients can’t even identify any early warning sign of this disorder. Because of the gradual progress of the symptoms, the disease is noticed at an advanced stage. The disease often runs in families.

Glaucoma is non-curable, it causes irreversible blindness. But the cause of glaucoma, i.e. high ocular pressure, can be treated. If detected in the earlier days, medication or surgery can stop the growth of the disease. But the vision already lost due to the condition, can never be recovered.

Causes of Glaucoma

The damage of the optic nerve in human eyes causes glaucoma. When the health condition of the nerve gradually lowers, there comes blind spots in the visual field. And elevated eye pressure is the reason for this nerve damage.

But how does eyes develop elevated pressure? Sometimes there is a buildup of a fluid that flows inside the eye. Generally this internal fluid drains out through a tissue at the angle where the iris and cornea joins.

So if there is an overproduction of the fluid or any issue with the drainage system, the fluid is blocked and can’t flow out at its usual rate. This gradually increases the eye pressure and if left untreated for a long time, causes glaucoma.

Types and Symptoms of Glaucoma

There are a lot of aged people who go through glaucoma. And studies have revealed that these people are four times more likely to fall and it becomes a dangerous issue for driving (source: Fundaction IMO).

Below are the types of glaucoma and the symptoms associated with this disorder. The signs and symptoms vary depending upon the age and stage of the disease. So, if you find you have any of these symptoms, rush to the top glaucoma specialist in Mumbai for advanced diagnosis and treatment.

Open-Angle Glaucoma :

This is the most usual type of the disorder. When the cornea and iris forms the drainage angle and it remains open, but the tissue is partially blocked, the eye pressure increases. This causes damage to the optic nerve and slowly the patient loses vision. The symptoms are :
Patchy bind spots in the peripheral or central vision,
In the advanced stages, there might be tunnel vision
Also the patient might not experience any symptoms at all.

Angle-Closure Glaucoma :

Angle-closure glaucoma is also called closed-angle glaucoma. It occurs when the iris bulges becomes narrow or hinders the drainage angle that the cornea and iris forms. Therefore the fluid can’t pass through the eye and pressure is elevated.

People with thin drainage angels are at increased risk of angle-closure glaucoma. This disorder, when occurs suddenly, is called acute angle-closure glaucoma and when occurs gradually, is called chronic angle-closure glaucoma. Acute angle-closure glaucoma needs urgent medical care.

The symptoms of angle-closure glaucoma are :
Extreme headache
Pain in the eyes
Tendency to vomit
Visual disorders
Halos around lights
Redness in the eyes etc.

Normal Tension Glaucoma

When the optic nerve is damaged even though the eye pressure is within the normal range, the condition is called normal tension glaucoma. The exact reason for this is still unknown. The possibilities are due to sensitive optic nerves or less blood supply in the optic nerve etc.

The limited blood flow in the optic nerve can occur due to the buildup of fatty deposits in the arteries or other medical conditions that hinder the circulation.

Prevention of Glaucoma :

Although glaucoma can not be cured, staying alert and practicing some self-care steps can help you prevent loss of vision or progress of the disorder. Check out some of the tips below :

Regular eye exam :

Getting your eyes checked regularly after the age of 40 can help you prevent many serious conditions. Try to visit your eye doctor at least once a year. Also, the best glaucoma specialist or eye surgeon in Mumbai, can help you with the same.

Learn your family’s eye health :

As glaucoma runs in the family, learning the history of your family’s eye health can help you take precautionary measures for preventing glaucoma.

Regular safe exercise :

Moderate level of regular exercise can help you lessen the risk of eye pressure. So talk to your doctor for more expert guidance on the same.

Application of prescribed eye drops :

Take the prescribed glaucoma eye drops regularly to avoid the elevated level of eye pressure. This can prevent the risk of blindness even if you don’t have any symptoms.

When to Visit Your Glaucoma Specialist ?

If you’re suffering from blurry vision, eye pain, intense headache, vomiting sensation and rainbow coloured vision, promptly visit your glaucoma specialist or Get in Touch with us for advanced eye check-up, diagnosis and treatment.

Get Faster Android Updates with Google’s Pixel Repair Tool

Source: Get Faster Android Updates with Google’s Pixel Repair Tool

The users of Android phones are always in the search for the ways to update their phones as there exist countless ways. Most of the Android users often wait for the latest updates and wished that their phones could run the updates automatically. The users can check for the latest updates by only going into the settings and then click on About phone. When the users click on the option of “About Phone”, then they will be directed to system updates on their pixel. The alternative is however convenient for the users, but it is one of the slowest options too as it hugely depends on the carrier you are using to roll out the updates. There are also some ways if you are not interested in the slowest one such as you can sideload the latest updates yourself.

The users have to do a few things before they could go for updating their Android phone. The users should create a backup for all their essential files; otherwise, the things may go wrong if you have to wind up the whole procedure due to some bugs or technical glitches. The users may get confused and find it difficult to follow the procedure of sideloading the latest updates because the steps involved are quite complicated, leading the whole process intimidating.

The pixel owners have many other options also, which could be called a bonus for them if they are not convenient with sideloading the latest updates. The other option is very much easy to follow and does not require a lot of extra work. The pixel owners can use Google’s Pixel Update and Repair service, and it will make them able to not only find the new updates but also installing them. The service introduced by Google has made it much easy for the users to get information about the latest updates and patches of Android. However, the users need to keep a few things with them before following the instructions of the repair tool of Google, and the things to keep are the following:-

They must have a PC along with the pixel device they have.
The users need to connect their PC to the phone they have, and for this, the users should have a USB cable.
The users must be careful and keep their phone and PC disconnected until they are not asked by the Pixel Repair tool to plug it, and along with this the users should have a web browser supporting WebUSB.
How to Use Pixel Repair Tool for Updating your Pixel Phone

First of all, the users have to visit the Google Pixel Update and Repair page on their PC and then choose the carrier appearing in the drop-down box.
In case, if the users are not able to see the carrier listed, then they should tap on the option of “Additional Carriers”. Further, the users also have the option of choosing additional carriers>other, if they are getting the device unlocked.
In the next step, the users have to tap on “Next” after picking up their carrier, which could further begin the update and repair process.
The users will be guided to backup their data by the tool, and further, they will have to follow the remaining steps appearing on the screen.
The appearing on-screen instructions will include some settings putting your phone into “Rescue Mode” and then connecting PC to the Phone through USB.
The users should wait for a while to get the updates arrived, and if you are getting no updates, then the users may be directed to Factory reset their device.
If the users are directed for factory reset, then don’t do this and further the repair tool should be closed. The users should undo their phone which is in Rescue mode by holding down the power button for at least 10 seconds and then again hold it for 10 seconds while pressing it.
Daniel Ryan is a creative person who has been writing blogs and articles about cyber security. He writes about the latest updates regarding new updates yourself and how it can improve the work experience of users. His articles have been published in many popular e-magazines, blogs and websites.